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Add Deposit / Cart Fees to Shopify POS - Percentage fees


Installation & Working with POS

Add fees to individual or multiple products inside Product Bundle in Shopify

Solves the problem of adding fees to Product Bundle

Display Matching Fees Banner on Product Pages


Customization: Show Fees Banner when product has fee aligned to it on Product pages



Faqs related to common question asked on Deposit fee app

How to add Fees to Product Bundles individually in Shopify

Fees to bundle products of similar items

How to Create Optional Fees in Shopify | Manual mode.

Fees which are not auto added , & allows customer to apply

How To Create Percentage based Product / Cart fees on Shopify

Do you recently thought to create a fee like 4.5% of processing fee ?

How to create Pfand deposit fees in Shopify


There are two ways to create fees in Pfand deposit fee app in Shopify.

How to create Surcharge Fees in shopify?


There are times when you want to set minimum order value or when the product qty stock is low,

How to display Fee items text in Cart below subtotal section in Shopify

This was one of the most requested feature now its live,

How to Hide Fee to appear as Product in cart page.


These one was most requested customization but thought to share the guide with you ,

How to hide Fees from Collection & Home page?

We are glad that everthing till now works good,but there must be a time when you might see the app in product / collection page which might be really very disturbing,

How to hide the fees from search results?


Displaying fee amounts of products in the search results is always a bad idea. Right? Losing customers is one of the biggest disadvantage and fear for not showing the fees in the search results.

How To Return Deposit Fee to customer

Ever Wanted to refund the bottles/box when your customer returns it back?

How to target my customers using deposit fees


There are two ways to target your customers based on the deposit fees:

Installation & Update Manual

Solve Product Deposit Pfand & Cart fees made easy.

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Getting Started

Working: The app work in Two ways:

  1. Multiple it will add the fee below each product which is selected multiple times and the quantity of the fee is changed as the product qty changes.

Scenario: John Buy 5 bottle say X,Y,Z ,fee will be added for each bottle X,Y,Z. Example: Germany pfand/ Deposit fee Environmental fee Illustration Product are XYZ Cart will be X with qty 2 Fee OF X with qty 2 Y with qty 4 Fee of Y with qty 4 Z with qty 6 Fee of Z with qty 6

  1. One time This fee is applied only one time when the product matches condition of the cart, say based upon total cart value, or product selection or the quantity changes as the total selected quantity of the product changes.

Scenario:John Buy 5 bottle say X,Y,Z ,fee will be added one time for all the product X,Y,Z

Illustration Cart will be X ,with qty 4 Y with qty 7 Z with qty 3 Fee with qty 14.

Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L\_fKOjFjlmk


  • While other apps were focused on creating an app that helps to create cart fees with a lot of minor problems, we were focusing on an app that creates a product fee with a unique yet user-friendly UI that makes the procedure of fee creation a lot easier for your team and creates a simple and understandable invoice for your customers as well.
  • Unlike other apps our pp can product fees as well as cart fees without any hassle or without letting you go through a complicated procedure at an affordable price range, Our app is an expert to create any type of fee in an instant.
  • Our app can generate product fees within just a minute by avoiding you to add or edit any unnecessary information such as product name, title, variant ID, etc again and again.
  • The moment you will add the product from our gallery, all the information about that specific product will have appeared automatically.
  • Our app can create cart fees as well. Now let us understand the features of our app in a deeper way for a better understanding.


  • POS Support

The App Works with both POS & Online store with both FIXED / Percentage fee type.additionally the app gives options to some of misc options like CASH rounding while applying fees.With just one click to Tile the app aut-adds the fee based on fee conditions.

  • Return Fees to Customer

We are the First app to built the feature ,what it does? imagine a customer bought the pfand / returned the CAN back to you! how will you return the amout back to customer? with just few clicks you can refund the fee back to user.

  • Hide fees from the search results:

Stop losing customers by avoiding displaying the fees from the search results. Showing the fee amount from the search results itself creates a doubtful situation for your customers where they can’t make any impulsive decision for buying a product. This option will help you by avoiding such a situation.

  • Make the fee one-time:

One can either make the fee one-time or one can also make the fee amount keep increasing along with its product quantity.

  • Tags

Create fees by targeting your different types of customers such as potential, premium, and engaged customers using this feature along with the locations.

Make the fees taxable or tax-free with us.

Set up multiple fees per product

  • Smart Monitor

Makes it mandatory to pay the fee. This is one of the most important options that is needed while creating the fees. Prevent your fees from being removed from the cart by your customers and stop making losses by making the fees mandatory for your product and cart.


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