100,000+ merchants have installed Flydiz apps. Are you next?

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Ecommerce Applications

APPS at Shopify
Pfand ‑ Deposit & Cart Fee
Create Fee for your product based on cart as well product level on your store.
RoundHoop ‑ Cash Rounding on POS
Enable Cash rounding, take donations to nearest cents on POS,
JobFly Career Page Builder
Converting customers to your next big job opening.
Badgfly ‑ Product Personalizer
The Power of 2 In Single App: Product Customizer - Allows customer to add customize products & Editor - Editing Bulk Products made easy.
Bundlediz ‑ Combos & Inventory
Create Product Bundles, which syncs inventories. Works with PFAND App
OnBoardly - Customer Tours
helps merchants create interactive product tours and highlight key features on their store


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