Latest App Updates of
- Global:
- Search products based upon Collections (smart+ custom)
- RoundHoop
- Fixed issue for not rounding up due to discounts added.
- added valdiation for duplicate title for roundups.
- Global
- Updated Configs
- Depositfee
- Launced new POS App
- POS: One tap to apply & remove fee
- POS link will be soon be removed.
- Updated URLs & added Looks for POS - watch tutorial
- RoundHoop:
- Updated Pages URLs
- Uploaded new youtube video
- Fixed up Round up
- New Feature : Rounding Down.
- Fixed major bugs & fixes.
- Correct auth urls
- Depostifee:
- fixed filter issue for type string in product cataloge
- Gloabal:
- Fixed Chat app session info.
- RoundHoop:
- First release of RoundHoop App for POS to roundup cart.
- Added Guides and created Page.
- Depostifee:
- FIXED:Cart not updating when clicked on -/+ on line items (disabled->readOnly)
- FIXED: Duplicate fee getting added & 2x reloads -> 1x reload only from now on.
- ADDED: Stack trace for sendLog
- Depositfee
- Online
- FIXED: Currency Issue during PrintCart
- Online
- Depostifee:
- Online:
- Improved Code.
- Fixed Rounding Bug on pos.
- Online:
- Depositfee
- FIXED: Causing unessary reolads on website with fee hidden by .liquid.Exception:Fee contains in cart & is NOT visible
- FIXED: Billing issue - not cancelling
- NEW APP: RoundHoop - Easily Round Total in Shopify POS.
- Depositfee
- FIXED: Round up for printCart above subtotal
- ADDED: Rule: To Disbale update feature of all the items added in cart.
- FIXED: Fee getting removed in "any" conditions
- FIXED: Modal Blocking and visibility.
- Global:
- Fixed:Product Catalog- "Add all results" button not working.
- Depositfee
- Updated Icons for buttons
- Updated Location Condiiton added.
- DepositFee:
- Online:
- Fixed: Icons not showing on the app
- Online:
- Global:
- Updated: Styling and layout fix of the products listing.
- Deepositfee
- Online:
- Improved extension loading - removed jquery andcartjs dependents.
- Added Support for variant to be selected in Products conditions,- works both for fixed/% fees.
- Online:
- Depositfee
- Online:
- FIXED country detection, made IP detection more priority than device country.
- FIXED variants links in Product catalog
- Online:
- Global:
- Updated Product Catalog to support pagination : Helps store with large product catalog.
- Updated doc:Add Deposit / Cart Fees to Shopify POS - Percentage fees
- Depositfee:
- Online:
- Improved app loading performance by 2 seconds - promise.all
- Update Locations : supports no more ip dependency to get user location : Devices based.
- Prevent for user adding to cart without being app loaded - added. | Updated Swal.
- POS:
- Added Option to add fee on subtotal/ grandTotal basis.
- Online:
- Global:
- Fixed Linked redirection issue on Guide.
- Added Privay Policy page.