Installation & Update Manual
Enabling the app
Chances are app not working, or you missed certain step , no worries here is the manual.
1. After the installation of the app, go to Shopify admin -> Online store
2. Click on customize.
3. Go to theme settings and click on app embeds
4. You can find an option for a Pfand - deposit fee. Make sure you have enabled the toggle button from the floating widget to use the app.
Update the app
The update step is same to the installation, just toggle the button off and turn it on, so it fetches new code.
Whenever a new update is available, don't worry a mail will be sent to notify you :)
Add Deposit / Cart Fees to Shopify POS - Percentage fees
Installation & Working with POS
Display Matching Fees Banner on Product Pages
Customization: Show Fees Banner when product has fee aligned to it on Product pages
Faqs related to common question asked on Deposit fee app