How to create BUY1GETX offer on Shopify?
Your store must have installed "Bundlediz app", from Shopify.
- Create a new "Multiple" Bundle product
2. in my case i want to add 1 of "Bio-Wrap Rote Bete" when 1 x is added to cart (Buy1Get1),so i set the total quantity to add here 2.
Since the single price of Bio-Wrap Rote Bete is 3,19 euros and we have total quantity to 2, so the total product price is now 6.38 euros
Now comes, the main tricky part, setting the price of the bundle product to individual price (3.19 euro) only,since when added to cart the app will auto add a total quantity of 2 ;)
Make sure to selected compare at price to disabled to, it does not show the original price.
Now here is the final Product:
Once added to cart,the quantity is set to 2 automatically ;)